

Monday 13 January 2014

30 Day "To Weight-loss & Shape Up" Challenge

Take the 30 days challenge and be more gorgeous!!!

No matter the level you are on, whether you’re a fitness star, new in fitness, struggling to lose weight, have to fight constant fatigue, or even if you just have a tendency to procrastinate at the gym and your fitness time; motivation is the requirement for success.  I’m not talking about just the desire that pushes you to prove you are better than someone else or the need to prove something from a challenge,  rather your driving force which personally keep you going. What kind of motivation would you need in order to do something consecutively for 30 days so it can become a habit?

Let us do what we can keep it simple and create new habits. There is week challenges to help you create those good habits  for activity, nutrition and ideas to ease your way. I will also provide videos for your weekly exercise. 

This challenge is for those who want to start a healthier lifestyle but also for them who are on the path but need a PUSH to continue,  add something new to their schedule or reconnect with healthier habits. As I need sometimes to do to find back to my fitness routine after a change. So come on jump on!!!

There is
1. Week challenges to create good habits/ get rid of bad ones :)
2. Video/s for your exercise 
3. Helpful tips

4. Recipe ideas

"To Weight-loss n Shape Goes" 30 Day Challenge


Don't buy sodas, do a shopping list with more greens, vegetables and fruits to have for juices, salads or eat as it is.

Increase your daily activity with (not about gym here) at least 20 minutes, move your but for example take a walk and shop vegetables, vacuum, play with the kids, dance, keep moving don't sit!!! 
Take a 30 minutes walk every other day, it's 4 days for this week. 
Start with the Taebo exercise 3 days for the beginners and the Taebo basic if you are totally new and 4 days for the more advanced.

Stop drinking your calories, change to water and flavor with lemon if you want to, stay hydrated.
Eventually start your morning with a glass warm lemon water it helps flush out the toxins and gives a boost of energy. 
Drink 8-10 glasses water daily for woman and 10-12 for man more if you exercise. IMPORTANT to stay hydrated.!!!
Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, and drink 3 homemade juices this week.
Food suggestions bellow.

Are you beginning a new regime? Start slowly! Do what function for you but be committed. 
Hungry? Drink a glass of water wait a half hour and if still hungry then eat!!! 

Measure your portions, to make it easier eat more vegetables and salad with homemade vinaigrette. 

Exercise Week 1
TaeBo Fundamental for weightloss & strength 
Tae-bo billys boot camp basic training 


Learn some basics about calories and understand what you put in your body. Support you to success by having the food you should at home  here some food examples. Start to prepare your meals so you have ready food when you need, that will help you stay on track. 
What is a  Calorie ?

-Fulfill  your week 1 challenges and make sure you have realistic goals, a check up from the 1st week is preferred, be reasonable.
-Increase daily activity to 6 times a week, example in week 1 and use the stairs instead.
-Start with yoga or Pilates to increase flexibility.
-Start to track your daily calories at least 3 days/week, you will get a better understanding and the real numbers :)
One option to track calories is: 
Prepare at least two meals and/or snacks for 5 days. Easiest is of course when you are free and have time for that. 
-prepare all at once and put in the fridge (not raw fruits and veggies) defrost in refrigerator from the night before
-or prepare for 3 days and then prepare the rest when you run out of your meals.
-Start with yoga exercise to have better flexibility and continue with the Taebo routin

-Eat salad/veggies daily, try a new vegetable/salad than the usual to extend your options
-Add a new good(complex) carbohydrate to your diet; jams, squash, potatoes, lentils, oatmeal, whole grains, apple, kidney beans, couscous, bourgour..
-Don't drink alcohol

-Reward yourself,  when you know you did your goals of the week ex: a t-shirt to remember a mug to drink your green tea or a fun water bottle. Positive impact as a accomplishment reminder you can see and get empowered.  :D :D :D

Exercise Week 2
-This exercise is one of the most important and not to neglect, which will tighten your internal corset build a strong and flat tummy  Best-flat-tummy-exercise

-Find your 1-minute max for each of the following exercises. (perform again next weeks)
Push ups
Rest for 45 sec to 1 minute between working sets.
Tae bo Chair workout  
TaeBo Slim &Strong

Clean your kitchen from processed food. This is a true win win step to take for weight-loss and health. No processed sugar and low sodium so you can reclaim the natural flavors of the food and take control over the addiction in processed food which is packed with sugar/salt.

Fulfill the challenges of week 1 & 2. 
Prepare most of your meals to have ready, that helps you to keep on track. Keep healthy snacks as carrots, celery stalks, grape tomatoes, berries, apples!
Preform bodyweight or resistance training 3 days/week. 

This week is extra important to eat well and keep a good nutrition as the challenge is to not eat any processed food. 
Enhance the flavor in your food with both fresh and dried herbs. Fresh onions, leeks and tomatoes used in mediterainean cuisine are perfect to enhance flavor. The same goes with lemons squeeze lemon in your food and lessen salt. 
As a sweetener use 1 tsp honey no other sweeteners, to satisfy your sweet tooth eat fruits as apples, papaya, berries, cantaloupes/melons, pineapple ;) 

Are you craving for a burger, make your own with lean meat (mix turkey meat with salt/pepper form to a burger and grill), salad, whole grain bread and yogurt sauce flavored with tomato-paste and herbs, serve with a bowl steamed veggies as broccoli, remember no processed food.  Prepare good meals with steamed veggies, make good soups and eat more fruits and you will feel better!      

Nutrition & Recipes 
Super-chills as snack and to heal. olives is a very healthy snack, just think of the calorie 1 olive = 9 cal
Mushroom-omelette-mixed-salad  2 recipes, use the recommendation on the tip

Green Power juice
Golden treasure juice with little ginseng

Exercise Week 3
Body-weight exercise Monday, Onsday, Friday, week 3 and week 4 + Saturday - log your results:
Mountain climbers 50
Push ups 20
Sumo Squats 20
repeat 3x

Tae bo abdominal & gluteos
Taebo BootCamp maximum calories burning  


This week it's about to put all that you learnt together and based on what is working for you and your circumstances create a plan that is suitable based on the progress you have done.

Fulfill the challenges in nutrition & fitness from the previous weeks, 1+2+3 

Provide and keep mostly unprocessed one-ingredient food to continue with your health and weight-loss progress. 
Eat natural, real food, it's a key ingredient to weight-loss - no processed

Increase the intensity of your workouts. Use the advanced video, or complete the workouts or do the longer ones
Increase the times of the body weight exercise to 4-5 + Saturday or increase the reps

Find your 1 minute max
push ups

How do you feel now?
What difference do you notice?
Which lifestyle changes was most successful?
What will you do to move forward?


Use the challenge to develop good habits and in time a strong, toned healthy body.
Create your recipes and take help from apps if you need or welcome to contact me! 
Welcome and follow by email to have my articles and recipes on time!
Follow me on Instagram @adelightfullife for Daily inspiration!
Do the Tae Bo videos, they do work!
Welcome to contact me by email or here on the comments and ask questions give your opinion or tell your story!
Listen to your body and if something you do creates pain stop immediately, I'm not talking about sour muscles here :) 
Most important do it your way & have fun!!!

Consult your doctor before you start a new exercise routine. 
It’s important to make sure everything's in working order before you beginning a new regime.

thank you for sharing I deeply appreciate :)

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