

Tuesday 14 January 2014

My Mediterranean Cold Beatroot Salad for optimal health

                       "Good Food is the Foundation to Good Health"
Living my early years in Greece I grow up with the best of foods, cooked with love and affection for what is the best to serve to the family. A well cooked meal was always on the table and I was never of the children who disliked any food. I knew and felt that it was made with the greatest ingredients and the most important one was the ingredient of love and the wish to provide the best to your loved ones. I think that was also the reason I always ate what ever my family put on the table. I had the best served to me. 

One of the dishes on our family table was this cold beet and garlic salad. It's not only delicious and simple to make, beats are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. They help the body in the detoxication process due to an unique source of phytonutrients called betalains. Betanin and vulgaxanthin are two of the best-studied betalains from beets, both have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.  

Besides all that beets promote optional health and add the most beautiful and strong shot of color to the table.

My Mediterranean Cold Beetroot Salad

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes


· 2 pounds of fresh red beets or 2 cans of sliced beets (discard liquid)
· 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, chopped (optional) 
· 1/2 cup of olive oil
· 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar
· sea salt 

· fresh ground pepper (optional)

How to
If using fresh beets then remove leaves, leaving about an inch of stem, and don't cut the taproot. Wash gently (don't break the skin), and place in a pot of cold water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes,don't let them cook longer as the healthy betalain will be be diminished by the heat and the cooking time is enough.
Drain the beets, cool under running cold water, and remove skin with fingers, put on kitchen gloves otherwise you will have your hands colored .
 Slice the beats and then combine beets, garlic, oil, and vinegar in a bowl and toss. Add salt and pepper to taste, and refrigerate covered. Best taste you get when you refrigerate the salad from a couple to several hours before serving. Can be prepared the day before, very beneficial when lack of time!
Bon appetit :)


Try this salad with a dollop of  yogurt on top it's delicious!
Use less of the vinaigrette if you need to cut down on calories, you can use the half and use the rest of the vinaigrette to next days salad!

Weight loss Food
Beets are nutritionally dense food, fiber rich and promote optional health and for that reason perfect food to eat when you want to lose weight as it is filling and gives you a health boost!

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