

Saturday 11 January 2014

How to Catch Up with Your Resolutions

" Starts can always be made new the only to consider is to start your journey believing in YOU "   - I.A

Sometimes we just don't prepare our selves good enough and rush into things, especially when it has to do with catching on our dreams, for that's what resolutions is about dreams we want fulfilled and we want a fulfillment now. And it's there we fail we aren't prepared enough and may give up, but our dreams is too important to give up or leave over.

I want you to succeed and be thrilled over your life, when we do succeed and overcome obstacles we get stronger will power which helps to create success in other areas in our life. Powerful isn't it? 

In this article I share three of the keys to a success formula I used when I started my health journey and use when ever I have to reconnect or get a start with something new. Read, prepare and get started, I promise you will get there if you want it!

Don't be enticed to start big.
That's setting up yourself to failure. You need to be real in how big changes you can accomplish and changes is easier to apply when they are adapted to your lifestyle and not to different of what you are used too. Create changes over time, for example if your intention is to lose weight, make step by step changes to your eating habits, make better choices and add more vegetables, greens, salads and fruits to your diet while cutting back on fast food and sugary drinks.

Create Routine.
You need to schedule and make time for the new in your daily life. You have to plan for it to happen whatever time of the day works best for you and embrace the new habit. Once you create a routine around what ever you need to accomplish it'll be much easier for you to follow and stick to it. 

The 30 day rule.
As research shows that's what it takes to create a new habit and kick the bad ones out, a month. Make a vow that you will do the new habit for 30 days while you quit doing the bad one and you will be on your way to success. Adding new replacing the old that took you to a place you don't want to be anymore is the best approach as to succeed we need to replace and not just quit with a bad habit.

Replace+repeat+ 30 days= new habit, DONE!

If you are on weight loss thoughts!
 I'm going to post a 30 day challenge for weight loss that I made last year for friends to follow and create new habits previous to the new year. It is a 4 week program that I call "To weight loss & shape goes Challenge" and is a very good step by step program to start with weekly challenges to create new habits and I will link to exercises in Taebo as you have seen here on my page, it's perfect to loss weight and tone your body. After one month you will be a big step further to your goal in weight loss. 

The above keys are useful to create any new habit you want to. 

Good Luck I know you can do it! 

Thank you for sharing..
and I would love to hear from You :)

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