
Sunday 3 November 2013

Work Towards Your Dreams & Make Your Dreams Come True!

" let go from were you are to be where you can be"

Either your dream is to be a public speaker or to loose weight you need to take action.  What is your dreams, are you working toward to make them true? Questions I asked my self and still do to discover and be in touch with my dreams. We all do have that in common,  dreams we would like to make true but for many they just stay dreams.

I succeeded to work towards my dreams reaching some and in progress with others I wanted to share the knowledge with you which dreams they are and how you can do to get started with yours. We all need examples to read about and see that it is possible!

Some of my dreams is;
1. achieved to loose weight by modifying my life to a healthier lifestyle, while challenging the conception of what I couldn't do because of my fibromyalgia, an autoimmune sickness
2. living the dream, founding love and living abroad for a while
3. achieved travelling to places I dreamed to see (always in progress the world are wide) 
4. started writing as a blogger which was my dream since teenager to write, combined with the desire to learn how to live a good life with realistic expectations that make the dreams of a good lived life with wellness come true and share my knowledge to motivate people and inspire them to take action towards their dreams living their good life.

What does it take to make your dream come true? Well you need to acknowledge your dreams as yours and to be willing to, if needed, "let go from were you are to be where you can be".  

Steps to achieve your dreams
1. Get in touch with your dreams by asking your self what would you do if you could choose  freely and knowing you could not fail! 
Think about it write it down and create the scenario you would like to live in your thoughts and see it mentally. That makes the dream more real when you can see how you act living the actual dream as if it is real . Similar methods is used by athletes, in sports and by leaders to achieve goals.
2. Do your homework, read books about how others with similar dreams succeeded. Search information on websites see videos and learn.
You need to obtain information and gain knowledge about what to do to move forward taking the right steps. 
3.  Create goals and make the right choices to support your dream and stay flexible. 
You have to be willing to make your dream the priority in your life if you want to achieve it.  That means you need to work on your dream daily and be flexible to make changes about how to achieve it. You may need to make some life changes or you may have to change the way to fulfil your dream. Keep your goals simple and clear and write down the steps you need to take.
4. Find a mentor or establish a community.
You need the support of others that can push you in right direction but also to talk to about your goals and will held you accountable for your progress. There is communities which allow you to be member and have their support.
5. Believe in you and your capability. 
Crucial for your success is that you believe that it is possible and you have everything you need to accomplish and make your dream come true!

 Take the steps and start creating your dream, it is helpful to make a list with your dream or dreams and beside the dream write what action you need to take in a daily basis that support it. as you are in the process of creating your dream opportunities ideas and ways to achieve it will be opened for you. Lets get started!

"when you want to achieve and reach your dream all the universe will conspire to help you" 

I would love to hear from You!

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