
Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Best Flat Tummy Exercise

Transverse abdomens is most important for flat tummy.
 Indispensable for women after giving birth.

In my research for the best exercise to a flat tummy and remembering my instructor words I had ones - his name is Anders with a boxer background, I found some exercises that are important for a flat tummy and strong core. One is the one my instructor believe is the only abdominal exercise you will ever need, the plank. The other ones I found to be the best is the transverse abdomens (deep inner muscles) exercises and best to start with is the Tummy (Abdomen) Vacuum.    

In this article I write about Abdomen Vacuum or Stomach Vacuum. The Vacuum exercise teaches you to control the important inner muscles, the transverse abdomens. Living an inactive lifestyle, giving birth and ageing is the cause to deformity in your pelvic region that used to hold your internal organs in the right place. The result week inner muscles. You simply can not control them properly and need to activate them again so you can have a strong core and  be able to exercise more safe. That's what the vacuum exercise helps you achieve and is the solution of the problem to a week and bulging stomach . Indispensable for women. 

The picture beside give a good understanding about the layer of the muscle structure. Easy to understand and what muscles you need to exercise to achieve the result you want. 
The key to a flat tummy is to train the internal abs.

Transverse Abdominis – is the deepest of all the ab muscles and responsible for stabilizing the trunk and maintaining abdominal pressure.  This muscle has the greatest effect on posture, the most important to help strengthen the core and minimize low back pain.  It works like an internal corset and also plays the biggest role in supporting internal structures and organs of the abdomen by compressing.  It is neglected because most ab exercises people work at is their superficial (closer to the surface) muscles to get the six-pack.

How to make the Vacuum Exercise

The beauty with the exercise is that when you master it you can do it everywhere, in your office on the chair, in the shower, as you make the dishes or cook. And it take less than 5 minutes to perform. You got to love that, perfect for all those with little time for exercise and all the busy mums.

The exercise can be done standing, on the edge of a chair, on the floor, bending over or on hands and knees (4 point position). You can do the exercise 10 times 10 seconds or 3-4 rounds 6/8 repetitions holding your stomach tight for 10 seconds. I do as many as I can during the day and hold the contraction as much as I can. Bellow I provide instructional videos with a couple variations to show the right technique.

Video instructions 

At a previous post about everyday healthy activities here one of 10 tips was about the importance of a strong core! This is in my understanding and the opinion as I know all who are involved in health and fitness the most important area to work with and strengthen but often neglected by many. Strengthen your core is essential in your daily life activities and to preform sports safely. 

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