

Friday 29 November 2013

What to Target to Lose Weight

"Success even in small doses is a catalyst to more success and possibilities."

Weightloss is more a mental challenge than a physical, that is what i try to make understood in my articles, all starts in the brain.  It is also a nutrition challenge, healthy eating habits but not, as many believe, that you have to suffer with boring food deprive yourself of what you love to eat. It can never be the case that we are healthy when we dislike what we eat, loosing weight is a health matter not a torture yourself and hate food matter. Like what you eat and do is in much a mindset and a key to faster, easier weightloss and to keep the healthy weight.

"Change your mind and you will change your reality."

It is about to create the best version of you, by being energetic, shining with your good mood, just feeling great and healthy. When you reach your goal and succeed you are going to feel happy, strong and see the possibilities you have in another light. Success even in small doses is a catalyst to more success and great possibilities

So target your mindset to begin with,  I wrote about my beginning to my weightloss in my first posts as for sample the  health habits , Decisions.. and others. What I can tell is I lost a little more then 20 kg about 45 lb in five months having fun all the way!  

Target your nutrition by learning the basis in good nutrition and use it a way suitable to you. When you expand your range of healthy foods and know to plan ahead then you are up for a successful good lifestyle keeping a healthy diet. And a very important key for success is moderation, you need to get this, here a post about portions/portion distortion. The goal is to develop and elaborate a diet you love and are able to maintain for a lifetime.

Then target your activity and get moving, as I love to say move your butt. Even though  a good lifestyle is 80% nutrition and 20% physical activity a success formula is to be active and stay active. You need to move everyday, sitting is a killer and that is scientifically proved.  A healthy, lean you is an active you, find something  you love and do it as often you as can. Stay active daily will keep you not only healthy but also youthful and give you a longer healthy life and longevity

Be real and clear about your priorities and what you want to achieve, for example you want to loose weight to be thin or for your health be there for your family and a good sample for your kids. Be as real as you can and focus on your health. Bellow some helpful questions for you. 

Where are you going?
How are you getting there?
What you need to do?


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