

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Be a Fighter Get Motivated & Inspired to a Fit Healthy You

There isn't any excuse good enough to keep you way from caring about you and your health. 

On today's post you are going to get to know a Lady which inspires and show that it Is possible to be fit and fabulous at any age - and also a bit of my story and struggle to keep on track when diversities arrive. Notice that age do not matter and I also will say neither do circumstances, you have to take it from where you are and move forward with what you have. You can achieve anything you possibly want to by shifting your thoughts focusing on what you want taking the necessary steps and you Will achieve it. In my previous post I wrote about making your dreams come true here.

I too needed this reminder, as I have had some setbacks and i can tell those are a part of the progress as you grow in your role in stay fit and healthy and believe me the setbacks will come. Life do not stay still and can challenge one with diversities and changes . But I have the knowledge and experience since I already run the raise before and know that it Is possible to achieve what I want even if I have taken a step back, I just have to take a jump forward! That knowledge I want to share to you so you know it's okay you can sit on the saddle again and do your thing with glance again!

New circumstances can take one down for a while but when you don't loose focus totally on what you want and fighting back as good as you can as soon as you can, you will be able to gain and regain your aims. Take every opportunity to create time for activity, here  is a few tips. I am a fighter and I want you to be strong and a fighter too so you can be and feel as fabulous as you possibly can be.  

A life with no limits
Meet Ernestine Shepherd with a mission to motivate and inspire!

My story 
My setbacks started when I was on my way to be my strongest and boldest me. Trained hard, started a military training program, which by the way is just a program with hard training. I needed a good challenge since I had become stronger, then "bang" my knees didn't want to support me anymore, the many years of overweight made them selves knowledgeable. To make the story short I can say I was suggested for surgery, which I did, but with no guaranty to be better. I didn't became as good as I should. Glad I didn't make surgery on both knees.

I started to exercise again after two weeks, couldn't stay way from that, I love truly love to exercise. I started regain a bit of my strength slowly when next change made it difficult to continue with my plans to reach my higher expectations. I moved abroad and wasn't prepared on how much the climate could affect my training and also all the new that demanded a whole out of me, my plans needed to change.

I am exercising several times a week and eat healthy 80 percent of the time. I do give me permission to enjoy what I longing for, after all we live in the real world, but do keep in mind to not overdo. I needed to adjust again and make the commitment to exercise daily which is required for a good life. So I am on the ride again and it is a daily commitment one need to do until the habit is one with you. You and your health have to come first, the rest follow!

I do feel privileged and are thankful to be where I am right now. I have been able to see so many new things, enjoy and explore life in ways I wouldn't otherwise and the experience have enriched me and made me even more eligible to write and give support about living the good life with well made good choices.