

Sunday 26 January 2014

On the menu - Mushroom Omelette & mixed salad

Omelettes are not made without breaking the eggs"
 - Robespierre
 A most satisfying meal can I say, if omelettes and mushrooms aren't already in your menu I hope you will try this easy made and delicious meal.  It's a perfect meal really, I explain about how to make a  super-meal in that post. This is a tiptop meal when you are hungry, after an workout or just want to eat good budget friendly food made with less effort.  You can cook this tantalizing meal in less than a half hour. Bon appetite :)

Mushroom Omelette & mixed salad

Mushroom Omelette & mixed salad

serves 1

• 2 large eggs,
• sea salt, freshly ground pepper
• 3-4 nice mushrooms ( I used button style)
• a small knob of butter
• olive oil

Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl, add a pinch of salt and pepper and beat well with a fork.
Quarter or slice the mushrooms and add to a frying pan on a high heat with a drizzle of olive oil, a small knob of butter and a pinch of salt and pepper. 
Fry and toss around until golden, then turn the heat to medium, add the eggs and spread the mixture out evenly by moving the pan around. 
Use a spatula to ease around the edge of the omelette, then fold it in half.
When it starts to turn golden brown underneath, turn off the heat and slide the omelette on to a plate. 
Serve with a salad and enjoy a delicious meal!

If you want a more protein-rich omelette or are concern about cholesterol, then use 1 whole egg and only the egg white from the second. 

for the Mixed salad 

In this salad I used half half arugula and half spring mix, but you can use any greens that you love actually. Personally I adore arugula for its peppery flavor, I love to spice up my food as it is a good thing to do to sped up your metabolism. But I understand if everyone isn't as enthralled by it. You can simply use a spring mix blend or a 50/50 (half spring mix, half spinach) blend of greens if you aren't into the arugula as I'm but if you can give it a try and mix a small amount your body will thank you as it's very healthy. And make a huge bowl to enjoy!!!


 50/50 half spring mix, half spinach or/and arugula
red onion
sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, to taste
extra virgin olive oil
lemon or apple cider vinegar, to taste

make a huge bowl of salad, after thoroughly washing everything, slice the celery, tomato and onion, hack the parsley and toss drizzle slightly with extra virgin olive oil and a squeeze of lemon, salt, pepper and mix the deliciousness together :)
Serve with your omelette or any other day. 

Good food for tummy

thank you for sharing..
cook, taste & tell me how it was would love that ;)

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