

Sunday 19 January 2014

Example on a super meal & the how / Mushroom Omelette & mixed salad

"Simple food in gorgeous perfection" - I.A
I love that!                                                    

How that?
The varieties of omelets are many and since eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth providing everything our body need except vitamin C,  no doubt it is a great food choice.  Add that eggs are cheap, available, variable and useful in so many different ways, well there you go, one of the best food choices ;)

to the  mushrooms which is one of the foods, as olives, people either love or hate. Personally I'm a fan for many reasons; healthy, great nutritional value and as I have a big interest in food, which are specially beneficial to support our immune system, and also have great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, the mushrooms fill well this preferences.  

and more;
An important to the palate matter is they add a deeper taste to a dish, are meaty and a great substitute to meat, also very variable and what more the are perfect for a healthy diet and fat-loss . 

mixed salad miracle;
seasonable, convenient whole food choice, salads originate from Mediterranean there they grew wild as weed and later spread their grease to the world. Mixed salad greens, rich in variety is similar in nutrients as calcium, iron, has a large amount of vitamin A, C and traces of minerals and is a low energy density food. As most lettuce mixed salad contain about 94 percent water and is excellent for weight loss as that increase satiety. You can mix other greens and herbs as celery, radicchio, parsley or cilantro, add tomato drizzle the deliciousness with olive oil and you have a nutritious miracle in your plate and the same miracle working in your body healing and creating health. It's easy isn't it!

The example I provide in this article is to give you the idea on how you with ease can make a super meal at home by taking a few steps. That is easily done when you choose a good protein source as eggs in this case or quinoa, green beans, yogurt, chicken, fish, add greens and vegetables, healthy fat as olive oil or a good quality butter or ghee if you are lactose intolerant and with basic nutrient knowledge have a menu that fit a good, healthy lifestyle. What you have to do is to buy the good food so you have it available. In my post  Flat tummy Food for Fridge you can find many useful ideas on good food to have available for variety meals.

Diet Tip;
Add fresh mushroom to your daily diet for a more filling meal and to cut calories, they are perfect in salads, slice and mix together, delicious!

Health Tip;
For woman at risk for hormone-depended breast cancer mushrooms and especially crimini mushrooms may be an important addition to their daily diet, according the worlds healthiest foods. Great :)

My following post will of course be the " Mushroom Omelette & mixed salad" recipe!!!

thank you for sharing ...
share the knowledge & I would love to here your thoughts  :)


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