
Thursday 3 October 2013

How about packaged labelled and ready to eat

" eat well and you will live well"

I read many ideas and articles about does and doesn'ts and that is the case for todays article, about packaged and labelled foods does and dosen'ts. What i want to say is that not all that look alike are alike! 

I got the idea after reading an article written by a dietitian, which by the way had good information too, and she wrote; avoid everything with labels considering fruits, vegetables and meat. Well, please don't mess with peoples minds. At least when you do such a statement clarify better what you mean.

This is one of the reasons I  started my blog. The confusion the experts contribute to or the way they want to represent a "truth" depending on the interests. As I know there is many sides of a truth. I would love to know an information is as truthful as possible. 

If we are suppose not to eat as she (and others) claim fruits, vegetables and meat which are packaged and labelled then all the people who live in barren lands as people in Alaska, they would need to leave the place. I wander what they would say about that statement, eat only fresh, hm, at least before the times of the supermarkets, but there is still places poor in such modernities in the world.  And there are other "truths" or "statements" as about not eating meat. There we go again with Alaskans, Mongolians, Samie people and surly many others in same category. They would meet harsh times!

The truth is we are not always able to buy fresh local food, which is the best choice when we do have that  choice. To be real and keep perspective we need to understand that we are not living in caves anymore. We can't just go out and hunt down or pick our food from nature how ever desirable that is. Even though some are privileged to do just that the majority of us still need to go to the store and do the hunting and some times in packages!  

My point here is that there is good food that we sometimes need and can buy and it is a good choice even when it is in packages. And there is food one should never think of to consume since it is just not food! Over processed full of additives, preservatives and so on.    

  • Fresh food is the best choice when available
  • Packaged whole food is a  good choice
  • Labelled food with most three ingredients is acceptable
  • Labelled food where the ingredients are difficult to pronounce and not known is not acceptable

Illustrated examples I pictured bellow show good and bad packaged labelled food

Good food choices

Bad food choices

"Do the best you can from where you are"

Lets talk about it! 
What is your opinion?

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