

Friday 6 September 2013


"focus on what you can control"

Weight & weight loss  logic

Weight is about calories and simple mathematics, it is about balance! For weight loss you need to burn more calories then you take in. This is as we all know a big issue for many today and big business for others. There is so many trends and "diets" that promise fast weight loss and enough desperation would I say for people to buy all that craziness.  But do your self a favour and do not bother. What you should bother is the calories. 

You have to get rid of calories to loose weight. You can reduce the calories intake from food and beverages and also by burning calories through exercise. As I said in my first post using free expression move your butt!!! I used successfully both and it is the best way.  If you for some reason can`t exercise then it`s good to know that it is all about food in the first place!

The content of the weight equation is;
-  less calorie intake and reducing calorie result to weight loss
- more calorie intake  result to gain weight
- equal intake and reduce result to balanced weight

I know it make sense and you may think I know that, that`s good, then you have no problem!

Successful for me to my weight loss was also my positive approach. I focused on what I could do and all the choices available to me and everything went much more easier.  I couldn't go to gym the first month, but I could take short walks and put some music on and dance a little. I couldn't eat much carbos but I could have more fish and chicken and vegetables. Shift your focus on what you can do and all the choices you do have, be positive!