

Thursday 19 September 2013

Foodborne illness

Notable about prevention of food poisoning and why it is helping to have good immune system and what to do.

Being sick the last four days in some foodborne illness or poisoning made me interesting to search if there is something more to know than that I already knew. In this post I will point some notable in what to do better for a more secure hygiene in common mistakes, a couple new insights and write a few notes about why good health and fitness helps in that matter.

 What I know is, there isn't any absolute guaranty to avoid food poisoning, except taking the for many known steps for hygiene and prevent. I choose some samples below that I've seen people sometimes fail to follow as they need to in order to prevent food borne illness because of unawareness. Please take notice, food poisoning can be gruelling for children and older and even life threatening  in severe cases.

What to do to prevent:
~ Always wash hands thoroughly before and after handling raw food and vegetables. And wash mean with soap and well in about 15 seconds and in between fingers to.
~ Keep raw food and vegetables, separate from ready-to-eat foods.
~ Important use different chopping boards, knives and utensils and keep a chopping board just for poultry, one for raw food and another for vegetables and ready-to-eat foods, or wash the items thoroughly in between but this doesn't go for chicken!!!
~ Check the label,  for vegetables unless packaging labels says ready-to-eat you must wash, peel or cook them before eating. 
~ Best way to wash salad, wash as it is under the tap water, peel the outer leafs then wash your hands again and wash the inside of salad thoroughly by taking apart pieces. Wash all your vegetables thoroughly.
~ Do not use the same dishcloth to clean your bench and your table. And never use what is for bench and table on the floor (I have seen that with my eyes many times).

What is very important, as you notice, is to wash thoroughly and not only "wet" the food, that will not help anything! 

The new insights is:
~ That cidic acid as in vinegar is effective by killing harmful bacteria and lemon juice is good to!
~ Conventional food is more liable to be at risk then organic for E. coli bacteria even if both can be at risk. Another reason to buy organic.

Health and food borne illness:
This is about all infections actually. When your immune system isn't working properly then you are more likely to catch an infection disease. If you are on medication or taking steroids for sample or you are on a poor diet which weakness the immune system. 
Having good eating habits with proper nutrition rich in antioxidants along with exercise which also relieves stress and good sleep is some of the key ingredients to have and keep a strong immune system. That will help you to easier overcome an infection.

Some eating out consciousness:
~ When eating in restaurants, return any under cooked meat specially  for chicken and egg products for further cooking and ask for a new plate.
~ Eat in well known places.
~ Don't eat in places where you know or see they handle food with bare hands.


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